Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day!

Yesterday was the first day I got out of the house for a long period of time.  It felt so nice to be out on such a beautiful day.  It started out by going up to the U of U to hear my mom's organ recital at Libby Gardner hall.  Hearing the organ in that hall is absolutely amazing.  My mom was just this little person on a giant organ.  Some day I want to take organ lessons.  It really is such a cool instrument.  After the recital, we went down to City Creek and ate at the Blue Lemon.  It looked amazing, but since my sinuses are all messed up, I couldn't taste a thing! I'll have to go back when I'm feeling a little better.

Today, we went on a little picnic with Jake's family to this really cool little secret park downtown.  There weren't any people there and it's this perfect little park hidden behind some houses.  We went down to see the tulips at Temple Square and they are truly the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen in my life.  If you want to see the tulips, do it now!  They won't look this good in a few days!  You won't regret it.

As far as surgery goes, I am feeling a bit better.  Still really uncomfortable.  I stopped taking pain medication today so it's been a little rough but the pain is becoming more tolerable.  I'm just looking forward to Friday when I get the large plastic things out of my nose!

Here are a few pictures from tonight.  I look a little beat in the pics haha.  It's really hard to smile, but enjoy the pretty flowers!

Jake making "two lips" for the "tulips" 

Cool dude on a cool dude bike

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cabin Fever

I know I just wrote the other day, but I just wanted to write down a few things about my surgery so I don't forget.  This is my little journal of my surgery.  If you don't care, don't read it!
The night before my surgery, I think I slept an hour total I was so nervous.  The day I had my operation, I felt great and didn't have much pain, due to the anesthesia still being in my system.  I was planning on sleeping all day and didn't sleep at all.  The first night I was up about every half hour and I think slept a total of an hour and a half.  Yesterday I hardly slept at all either.  Needless to say, I was exhausted!  But I think all the drugs I am taking has made it hard to sleep too.  I just feel really loopy all the time.  I woke up yesterday in a lot of pain and my throat felt like knives were being swallowed.  This was because during the operation, they couldn't put an oxygen mask on my face so they had to stick a breathing tube down my throat so it got a little sore.  I slept a little during the day yesterday but not much.
Jake's aunt brought us an amazing dinner and my cute friend Erin brought us dinner for tonight. The whole time Erin was here I was a bit loopy.  Sorry Erin! haha  At about 9:00 I was out of it.  Slept for 15 minutes and was wide awake again.  Jake said ok, time to drug you up so you can sleep tonight.  He brought me a percocet, 800 ibuprofen, and a benadryl and I took all fo them at the same time. I've been feeling pretty good with all the pain meds because I have been eating every time I take it because I have a really weak stomach.  Well, I think I over did it on the meds last night.  About 45 min after I took all those I started shaking, sweating, and getting nauseated.  I told Jake I thought I was going to throw up.  So he brought me a garbage can and a Zofran for the nausea.  Next thing you know I ran into the bathroom and threw up.  I was so scared of hurting my nose but I'm fine and I felt a lot better after except for my throat.  It was KILLING.  But I slept until 4:00 am!  It felt so good!  I took some ibuprofen and went back to sleep.  I took a nice little shower this morning and it felt great.  The Dr. told me today will probably be the worst so I'm trying to keep up on the meds.  Hopefully by tomorrow I'll slowly get to stop taking stupid percocet.
My sister took me to lunch today to get me out of the house.  It was rough but good to get out for a min.

Alright, here is another shameless pic of myself.  There is a plastic splint in my nose that I have to keep in for 10 days.  It's more than uncomfortable.  My nostrils are permanently flared.  Jake was making fun of me today and it hurts so bad to smile.  Poor guy has to look at me haha
I am the scariest human alive, I know. But look at that giant thing up my nose!

Good thing I'm already married, or these pictures might do anything but get me a date!
Also, my amazing husband has had 5 shoulder surgeries.  He has spent the last several months writing a book about the recovery process of surgery.  Let me know if you want a copy.  You can get one here.  It's awesome.  He did all the illustrations too.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's been a while...

I guess you could say I'm a bit bored tonight.  I haven't slept all day and I've tried.  Every time I try, someone calls or comes to visit, which is just fine, just hard to take a dang nap! I'm blaming it all on the percocet.  I haven't blogged here for a while so I decided to post a few things we've been up to lately.  And if I don't make sense, again, blame the percocet.

I had surgery on my nose today.  I have a perforated septum, meaning there was a hole in my nose that went straight through.  So they had to do a skin graft and cover it up.  So far I've felt great all day.  Just a lot of bleeding in my nose. It has finally slowed down quite a bit though.  I'm glad I'm on this end of it because waiting for this day has stressed me out for weeks now.  This was my first big surgery and I handled it like a pro.

Here are a few pics from the past few months.

I've already posted hideous pics of me on instragram today so I guess this pic says no shame.  This is why I got surgery.  If you get grossed out, don't look at this pic.  And I can't believe I'm posting this for the world to see.  Maybe it's the drugs I'm on.  I'll probably regret this later haha.
This is why I had to have surgery.  See that small hole? Disgusting.  They just went in and covered it up.  Now I have a splint up there for two weeks.  My biggest fear was not being able to breathe through my nose. To my biggest surprise,  I can breath pretty well, the splint is super uncomfortable though.

I just have to brag about my sweet husband for a minute.   That boy takes DANG good care of me.  I asked him to give me a Priesthood blessing last night because I was a little nervous for the surgery.  I am so thankful for a husband who is worthy to do this.  After he was done, I went in to brush my teeth and came out to this little bed he set up for me with my computer all plugged in and blanket laid out nicely on the couch.  I had to be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. so he wanted to make sure it was all ready for when I got home.  He spoils me.  Not to mention he has been waiting on me hand and food all day long, and surprised me with Downton Abbey season 2!  He planned it so it would be delivered at our door form Amazon today.  Jake you are amazing!  Thank you for taking care of me today, and every day!
Ok, enough of my sappiness.

5:30 a.m. check-in time, only to play the waiting game until 7:30!
I had to wear this beautiful thing all day but it literally saved my life.  I had to change the gauze every 30 minutes it was bleeding so bad, but I'll take blood over the pain any day!  And no, I'm not posting this picture because I think I look good.  I look awful!
My ghetto hand-filled ice bag.  Middle finger.  Sorry inappropriate. I don't care.   I feel a little like this right now haha
Oh, and how could I forget!  I have to wear beautiful white compression socks that go all the way up to my thighs for two weeks.  They are so attractive! and hot!
Ok, enough surgery talk.  It's all that's on my mind today.

In March, we had a new addition to the family.  My brother Brad had his fourth girl.  Hattie.  She is a doll.

Last week, Jake had the awesome opportunity to go to San Francisco to the YouTube and Google headquarters.  He was definitely in his element.  He bought me this cute little Android shirt.  He said the girls at the Google store helped him pick it out.  He was quite proud, and I was quite happy.  Thanks Jakers!

Over Easter, Jake's family rented a condo for the week down in St. George.  I didn't have to work Friday so we went down Thursday night.  It was the perfect, much needed little getaway.

Thursday, we golfed.  Well I only golfed 9 holes and since I'm the only one with a road bike, I went on a little ride by myself while everyone golfed the other 9 holes.  I love biking down there.  So many fun little bike paths.

Saturday, long morning walk & pool time.

A pretty overlook in Snow Canyon
No, my zipper is not down.  My pants are just retarded.
Awesome Saturday night stroll on our bikes.

And last but not least, if you haven't read this book, GET IT! NOW!  It is really good and inspiring.  Such an amazing story.  You can check out her blog here too.  

Alright, enough out of me.  Good night!