As many of you know, I teach all-day kindergarten. Every day I have great stories to tell. Today, I was really getting sick of dealing with tattling. I decided to ask my class if they knew who the president was. The responses I got were "God", "President Monson", etc. Findally someone said Barack Obama. I got on the internet, turned on my projector screen so they could all see and pulled up a picture of Barack Obama. I posted the picture and said: from now on, unless your bleeding or barfing, I don't want to hear it! I printed the picture and put it on one of our walls. Now, whenever they tattle, I tell them to "go tell the president". I was really interested to see their response when I actually told them that. One little girl walked up to me and proceeded to tattle. My hand stopped her and I told her to "go tell the president". She stormed over to the picture and stopped, a little embarrassed she turned her head and looked at me. I think she got the hint. She was pretty embarrassed so maybe she will stop tattling-along with the rest of my class!
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