Over Labor Day, we went up to my cabin with my sister, her husband & my parents. We had such a great relaxing trip. We went on an amazing hike in Yellowstone with a 360 degree view of the park. It was incredible. After, we drove to a little river where there was boiling hot water mixed with cold water. Natural hot tub. It was pouring rain which was awesome, the thunder and lighting, not so much. Probably shouldn't have been in the water? It was so relaxing we didn't even care!
We're all sportin' the La Sportiva's
These two love birds celebrated their 42nd year of wedded bliss! So happy we could celebrate with them.
Favorite pic of the trip. Definitely should have bought the shirt.
We stopped by our friend's cabin on Hebgen Lake. Always a beautiful view at the Dumke's.
And the day can't end without a blown tire, right? Peeps, if you don't have AAA, GET IT!
This handsome boy turned 27 last week! 27 never looked so good!
We celebrated at Asian Star with some of our bestest friends (minus a few)!
Jake is obsessed with Oreo's. On his birthday, I always make him a special Oreo cake with a special pan I have. Well I had a major cake fail! The cake wouldn't come out of the pan and I buttered it sooo good with my little pastry brush. I was in tears I felt so horrible. The cake only gets made once a year because it's a bit time consuming. I hurried and made another chocolate cake and it didn't want to work so well either, but tasted absolutely de-lish! I stuck the candles in the doughnuts instead for good measure. You'd think I have a cooking blog or something. Good thing I don't claim to be a pro because my cake making that day was a major fail! Still a good day nonetheless.
I love this handsome boy! I am the luckiest girl in the world!
This past weekend we went up to Bear Lake to close up the Larsen's cabin. Picture-perfect weekend with a little big cinnamon roll from Gladys', golf, vibrant red leaves, and relaxing on the lounge chair in the sun. I work hard so I can enjoy my R&R just that much more!
Jake made a Bear Lake website. Check it out here.