Sunday, August 26, 2012

3rd Grade

I'm back.  I will probably never be a consistent blogger on here.  Maybe just when MAJOR changes happen in my life and I want to "journal" about it.  Well, big news is I am now teaching 3rd grade and school starts TOMORROW!

Here's the deal in a nutshell...

On Monday morning, I was a kindergarten teacher.  By 1:00 that afternoon, I was a 3rd grade teacher.  The reason this happened was because there weren't enough students registered for kindergarten. Many people moved to a new charter school, and UDOT bought a bunch of houses and tore them down for a new road being built, so new ones weren't moving in.  This being the case, I would have had to wait until the middle of September, crossing my fingers more kids would move in, but most likely that wouldn't happen.  So the reality of it was I would have probably been surplussed to a new school the middle of Sept. not knowing what grade, where, etc.  My principal asked me if I wanted to teach 3rd.  I was a little hesitant since I didn't have any experience in 3rd.  (I was actually scared to death) but considering the options I had, moving now and knowing where I was going sounded like a better option than moving when school had already started.   I spent the entire week moving my classroom and organizing.  I have now officially changed schools once, and changed grades and classrooms every year I've taught.  Now, if you're a teacher, you know how exhausting this can be.  I got to work when the school opened and left when they kicked me out, and would come home and continue to work until my body couldn't function.  It has been hectic but I'm very excited to be teaching 3rd grade.

I have had so many people step in and help me this week.  It has truly been a blessing to receive all the help form friends, family, and other teachers.  It's been tough, but I'm extremely grateful to have a job right now in these hard times.  I love being a teacher and wouldn't have it any other way.

So...CHEERS to a new school year!   Pray for me. Actually, pray for the kids :)